David Selby: The Impractical Boat Owner [2017] paperback For Discount

This is a book with no practical purpose whatsoever. As any fan of Dave s would probably guess, a book by him won t make you a better sailor, and it won t provide any instruction on boat maintenance. But it will entertain – his light but observational writings tap the rich well of all those things that sailors know but few dare admit.
The Impractical Boat Owner is a collection of Dave s columns for Practical Boat Owner magazine, expanded for the book, and with additional Lessons Not Learned hints and tips boxes, all accompanied by Jake Kavanagh s wonderful cartoons. Taking us from Dave s first flounderings afloat to more recent, er, flounderings afloat, themes covered include:
– first attempts at sailing
– how not to sail singlehanded
– mysteries of maintenance
– how not to sail with a dog
– the impenetrable mysteries of navigation and weather
– how not to race
The Impractical Boatowner is an antidote to all that s written about expensive shiny new yachts, self-improvement, the quest for qualifications and practical skills.
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